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China: out for itself, or a new global leader?

China: out for itself, or a new global leader?

This article was first published in 2017.

The Sino-American relationship has always been one of immense importance, shakily carried on throughout the years, but built off a mutual need for each other.  Over the last 40 years, China has flourished, integrating itself into the global market and engaging with increasing confidence in the global economic order.  ‘Today, China’s GDP per capita, for a population of almost 1.4 billion, exceeds that of at least one EU member state, and its overall GDP — calculated in purchasing power parity terms — exceeded that of the US for the first time at the end of 2016.’  However, despite China’s economic breakthrough, it is still seen by other states as a developing country, staying more or less in the background in an uneasy standoff with the United States.  Recently, however, following the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, China has become bolder on the international stage, exerting its economic strength to stake claims to power and influence across the globe.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this January, Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his desire for China to be the ‘champion of globalization,’ claiming that China ‘could be the leader and protector of global free trade.’  His speech has thus far provided the clearest example that China wishes to assert a major role on the global stage.  Underlying his remarks was the additional suggestion that implied that China would serve — ironically, given China’s fiercely protectionist track record — as the free-market, economically open alternative to the ever more isolationist United States under Trump.  Whilst this may not be the ideal outcome, especially for the EU, the U.S. politics bears the blame for giving China this opportunity to portray itself in such positive light on the world stage.

‘“Trump is pushing China and Europe together,” said one Beijing-based diplomat, citing Chinese support for trade, combating climate change and the United Nations — all areas where the new U.S. president is seeking a change of tack.’

Xi’s speech focused primarily on economic growth rather than security.  This distinction is important, as China will not be able to fill the global shoes of the US without taking on more of a leading role in global security and defense.  Additionally, China’s economic assertiveness raises questions about China’s ultimate goal: does it aim to adopt, and even defend, the current global order, or will China attempt to revise the western-organized system to suit its own goals?  China in the past has been one of the much more hesitant countries to integrate into international society and adopt the global order, preferring instead to regulate its domestic affairs on a much more inwardly serving level.  So what does this sudden change of heart mean?  Ultimately, ‘“China is a revisionist power, wanting to expand influence within the system. It is neither a revolutionary power bent on overthrowing things, nor a usurper, intent on grabbing global control.”’

Going forward, Europe needs to be cautious about maintaining good relations with both the United States and China.  ‘With an uncertain US and a China whose fickle approach to the international order makes it an unconvincing leader, Europe is challenged from both sides. It must gather its strength to engage the US on defending European security, and maintain faith in its values to hold China accountable on its abstract pledges to the international order.’

Banner image courtesy of the People’s Republic of China, ©2009, some rights reserved.

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